Email and Mail update 8/25/24

Dear Friends,

The church is gathering across the Northern Tier to celebrate what God is doing!

Sunday, August 25, 6:00 PM. Light meal and learn what is happening in the Northern Tier of PA.

Imagine this dystopian society:

Two people fall in love, get married, and start a family. Their grown children live at home. It’s so comfy, the food is great, and mom does the washing. The kids decide to invite their friends. Of course, this means enlarging the house, and mom and dad are working more jobs to put food on the table for everyone. Then the new friends bring MORE friends. Uhm… I think you get it.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Grown children need to establish their own homes and families. It’s how they BECOME the adults that God intends them to be.

This is the current state of ‘the church’.

We have NOT sent people out to establish spiritual families. Don’t get me wrong, Sunday services are incredibly important for the ministry of the word and worship. But, after the service, people live their lives as part of many different communities: at work, in neighborhoods, as part of the fire department, etc. In these places, they need to connect with other believers and right THERE be the body of Christ that reaches others at work, in the neighborhood, and in the fire department.

The body needs to be connected.

It takes the whole body, joined and working together, to reach a community.

We haven’t done things this way. Until now.

The call is going out, and people are joining. This IS how people mature. It’s how people need to teach others about being a functional family… when they can see believers model being a family in their midst. It’s how we should be learning to share our faith and our care for each other and others. And, connected and working at work, in our neighborhood, and in our extended families is where people can help each other find and fulfill their calling.

This is new. Discoveries are being made, and new ministries are being birthed.

Learn More: Sunday, August 25, 6:00 PM. Light meal and learn what is happening in the Northern Tier of PA.

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